Change is inevitable. But devoted fans of the Jodi Picoult novel seem to be very angry that the film takes a 180 turn in the end, changing the vibe and message of the piece.
The main character was initially suppose to die but they gave the film a more "Hollywood ending". Now the scene is the complete opposite.
Whelp, that's Hollywood for you! You give them a masterpiece and they want to dilute it for mainstream purposes.
Jodi Picoult's statement on the ending was:
"Having the ending changed would certainly not have been my choice. I wrote theAre you going to hit the theatres to watch this movie?
ending very intentionally because I wanted to leave the reader with a certain
message. And changing that ending changes that message. However, I am excited to
see the movie and to judge it on its strengths."
the previews were awesome
i cant wait to see it!! i know ima cry my eyes out lol
wow you would have never known that the ending was changed!
I still wanna see it, im glad the writer had a positive outlook on it though!
I wanted to see this film with someone special, but I know it isn't going to happen anymore..
tears <3
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