Tuesday, December 23, 2008
"This Is A Stick Up, Stick Up!"
Mannnnnnn listen! Im not messing with Bey! She got it!
I like...it was very angelic and pure..
Complete reviews in a bit.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
my mind consumed on why I was being consumed and devoured my dissimilarity
only 6 years living in what I knew was hell
I knew that I could heal the worldwhy was the world being chained down by champagne and caviar?
why does it make you feel superior?
A class of tenI was asked "what is your one wish?"
My answer?
" To make the world feel how I feel"
the 10 expected me to pour out sorrow and misunderstaning behavior
Far from my truth
I admired the winds swift lashes on my body
I melted to feel the sun's sensation caress my skin
Appreciated my mother's yells
Respected my father's decision of abandoning memeditated to the song the trees whispered
laughed at the bee's sting
experienced atroprojection
visited my deceased grandmother in her dreams
" I love you so much!" I yelled as I left her dream
My grandmother being carefully lowered 6 feetprior eighteen years of me traveling through the portal of life
I wanted to be saved!
I wanted to feel what the rest felt"SAVE ME!
"From what?
I didnt live in the Hamptons
I was blessed with unconditional love
I didn't have a family dinner every Sunday
I knew how to talk to God
I didn't recall what my salvation was for
I lived a great lifeone day walking with my mother to my school
I pretended to faintwoke up kicking and screaming
" Grandma I coming with you!, I promise I won't make the tea too hot this time! Just please come take me!"
My mum stared at me with a blank face
".. I always made her tea too hot.." she said
from then on I was casted seas away to South America
In hopes of me recieveing the blessing
I was lowered into a well by three priests
My mother calling the church continuously
"Is my baby ok? He's not crazy you know, he just needs God in his life, his plane departs tomorrow at six and I will see him at twelve."
"We know, I'll call as soon as we are done and we will take him to the airport ourselves. "
Well grandma I'm finally here with you hope I didn't keep you waiting too long
I played with the winds boomerangI joked with the sun''s heat waves
I understood why my father abandoned me
But I could'nt process why my mum cried everyday
I just want to be like the rest
But the Tigerʼs eye gave me back my breath
I forgave that last drop of love that aided me in survival
I resented that smile that abounding me with artificial hope
My promised future was now but a mere design
This bird has flown...
I never realized how massive these wings were
How piercing and mesmerizing this heart beat sang
How sharp these claws gleamed
This heart still dripped on the white satin sheets we declared love on
Tainted with passion
I inhaled those sheets to absorb our glorious chemistry
Yet these elements fashioned Pyrite
I will always be wineAnd you will always be E&J
I may have died todayBut a phoenix by no means looks back
I suit richer in Father timeʼs glass
While you become tart in each sip
This bird has flown
Monday, December 1, 2008
Exclusive Footage From "Cadillac Records"
What did you think of Beyonce Knowles' Performance?
Peace, Love. Music, And Sex
Beau Averee
Friday, November 21, 2008
Solange Knowles- " T.O.N.Y"
Official 3rd single from "Sol-Angel and the Hadley St. Dreams".
I love this girl!
If you haven't yet purchased this album, you better get it ASAP! Its a must have!
Peace, Love, Music, And Sex
Beau Averee
Friday, November 14, 2008
Want To Travel Anywhere You Want For Free?
bodies we all have - as we are all multi-dimensional. These bodies include the physical, mental, causal, etheric, emotional, spiritual.
What I have found is that some people can astral project naturally - and have been doing it for years. Other people are afraid to leave the physical body and struggle with it never being able to astral project. These people should try remote viewing as an alternative.
In astral projection you remain attached by a silver "umbilical type" cord to your physical body - though you may not see it. You travel out and are aware of things you encounter along the way.
To astral project, as with all out-of-body experiences one must feel totally relaxed, clothing fitting comfortable, reclining is best. Often a comforter is best over the body as the physical body sometimes gets cold when you travel out. You can practice alone or with one person. Find a quiet place . . . free of distractions. . . Adjust the lighting and room temperature. . . Adjust clothing . . . footwear . . . eyeglasses. Sit down or lie down . . . Find a position that is comfortable for you . . . Quiet your mind . . . Still your thoughts . . . Relax your body. . . Your face . . . your jaw . . . relaxing . . . Your shoulders . . . your neck . . . relaxed Your arms . . . your hands . . . feel at peace . . . Your torso . . . your hips . . . letting go . . . Your legs . . . your feet . . . totally relaxed . . . Focus on your breathing . . . Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose . . . Retain the breath as long as is comfortable . . . Exhale through the mouth slowly and completely . . . Repeat for two more breaths . . . or as is comfortable.
Let go of the fear of leaving your physical body. Remember you do it when you sleep.
See yourself floating away from your physical body. You may feel as release or perhaps hear a sound as you leave.
Beau Averee
Weekly Figures

The Royal Treatment Give your skin the royal treatment: This formula was created for the Queen of Hungary as an elixir of youth. The half-toner, half-serum combo smoothes wrinkles and minimizes pores.

Ingredient (Click ingredient for more recipes)
1 Shot
White Rum
1 Shot
De Kuyper Triple Sec
1 Shot
Three Barrels Brandy
1 Shot
Lemon Juice
1 tsp sugar

Peace, Love, Music, And Sex
The Healer
I can't write because my flowing tears have conquered
I feel the ghost of my past haunting me
Torturing me with every engraved flashback
Yet you're millions of footprints away
I don't consume your mind as you do mine
My hand is numb
My breathe is cold
For you my heart still beats
Damn Fate for allowing the weeping trees to collapse!
Yearning to nuture
You're weary
I've been deprived
Not just from my dignity
But from my spirit
This land was mine before it became ours
I have lived in the darkest age
Though it may seem I have overcome
The chambers of my heart have created a maze
My heart still burns like the morning sun
Baby it's your after glow
Iam that moon
Iam that sun
Longing for another day...
Beau Averee
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Master This Lesson

"Ive been waiting all my life to finally find you just so I can push you away.. And when you're crawling back through broken glass to get to me.. thats when I'll let you stay.."
When I was free writing a few years back a wrote a dramatic poem that included this piece. I stumbled upon alot of material I had totally forgot about! This fraction of a poem stood out to me for the simple fact that I still feel the same way when it comes to the being worthy of my embrace. Not that I'm self-absorbed or anything but I know that in today's world you can't just declare emotions- you have to prove them.
Its definitely not an ego as many people would think.
Today's society is so wrapped up in sex that they have lost their true values. the meaning of love has diminished. couples aren't lasting. People are getting divorced. People are scared to step out of their comfort zone and look beyond societies standards to look for genuine happiness. They settle for what holds them up for that time period. Don't get me wrong- SEX IS IMPORTANT! But it shouldn't justify a breakup or keep you in an unhappy relationship.
Solution: TEACH THEM! or call me! I know a thing or two about how to keep it spicy in the sheets!
Besides Sex, People aren't trying hard enough these days. I know that the economy is in bad shape but don't let that discourage you! Barack Obama IS President now you know! BE PATIENT! Economy isn't the only one in bad shape as you can see- so is love.
As the Japanese lady in the spa tells me while doing my facial " Be Patient!" * In an Asian accent*.
What does my quote make you think about?
LOVE, Peace, Music, and SEX
Beau Averee
Friday, November 7, 2008
Listen To Beyonce's " Iam...Sasha Fierce" (Legally!)
Friday, October 31, 2008
" You're Not Really There And I Don't Wanna Be Either, I Wanna Be Next To You.."

I'm really feeling Black And Gray right now. I know you're suppose to let your clothing do the talking but, I'd rather be viewed much more than just my appearance. Don't get me wrong appearance is key, but sometimes you want to make it simple and let your personality do the talking.
Peace, Love, Music, And Sex
Beau Averee
I Want It!

The Verizon Blackberry Storm is very similar to the Apple Iphone but its said to be the best touch screen phone to date. Although the blackberry is usually perceived as a business phone, the storm will be equipped with varies of multimedia capabilities including up to 16 GB of memory. The storm is the first blackberry to offer a camera that takes print-quality pictures and video recording. A november release is expected for the Blackberry Storm through Verizon wireless. For more features click here.
Side Note: I've always wanted a Blackberry so I can be on my Naomi shit and just bust someone upside the head with it, Its crazy but true! Take that take that! Toma!...weirdo.
Peace, Love, Music, And Sex
Beau Averee
The Epitome Of Ignorance

...........Im speechless.
You Discuss..
Love, Peace, Music, And Sex
Beau Averee
" The Dumb N*gger Receipt"

“When he showed me that receipt, I could not believe it. He couldn’t believe it.
I couldn’t believe it. None of us got any sleep just thinking about it,” said Slater’s mother, Linda.
“While we are continuing to investigate this incident, it now appears that an employee in one of our stores entered highly inappropriate statements in a form used to process a merchandise return. Needless to say, such an act was not authorized by Journeys, and will not be tolerated. This employee has been terminated.
At Journeys, we pride ourselves on valuing and respecting every customer. We are shocked and sickened that a former associate could be responsible for an act so out of keeping with our culture and our values. We profoundly regret this incident.”Can you believe this bullsh*t!? Oh hellll nooo! This is why the world is where it is now. People are still holding on to that ignorant mentality. People who know me understand that I could never hate anythingt hat God has placed on this earth but, Racism is one thing I DO NOT tolerate! When I seen this receipt I was completely and utterly shocked...* Mouth Wide Open* and all.
PEACE, LOVE, Music, And Sex
Beau Averee
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
"I'Am..." Official Album Covers & Tracklistings
Official tracklisting and writing credits below:
I Am…Beyonce
1. “If I Were a Boy” (Toby Gad and Beyoncé Knowles)
2. “Halo” (Ryan Tedder and Beyoncé Knowles)
3. “Disappear” (Amanda Ghost, Dave McCracken, Ian Dench, and Beyoncé Knowles)
4. “Broken-Hearted Girl” (Stargate and Beyoncé Knowles)
5. “Ave Maria” (Stargate and Beyoncé Knowles)
6. “Smash Into You” (C. “Tricky” Stewart, Terius “The-Dream” Nash, and Beyoncé Knowles)
7. “Satellites” (Amanda Ghost, Dave McCracken, Ian Dench, and Beyoncé Knowles)
8. “That’s Why You’re Beautiful” (Andrew Hey and Beyoncé Knowles)
I Am….Sasha :
1. “Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It)” (C. “Tricky” Stewart, Terius “The-Dream” Nash, and Beyoncé Knowles)
2. “Radio” (Jim Jonsin, D-Town, Rico Love, and Beyoncé Knowles)
3. “Diva” (Shondrae “Mr. Bangladesh” Crawford, Sean Garrett, and Beyoncé Knowles)
4. “Sweet Dreams” (Jim Jonsin, Wayne Wilkins, Rico Love, and Beyoncé Knowles)
5. “Video Phone” (Shondrae “Mr. Bangladesh” Crawford, Sean Garrett, and Beyoncé Knowles)
6. “Hello” (REO and Beyoncé Knowles)
7. “Ego” (Elvis “BlacElvis” Williams, Harold Lilly, and Beyoncé Knowles)
8. “Scared of Lonely” (Rodney “Darkchild” Jerkins)
9. “Why Don’t You Love Me?” (Beyoncé Knowles, Solange Knowles, and Bama Boyz
Peace, Love, Music, And Sex
Beau Averee
" If You Don't Vote For Yourself, Vote For Me."
The The Crown World Kids made an incredible video shifting the attention away from selfish adults and drawing it to the real situation: " If You Don't Vote For Yourself, Vote For Me."
Peace, Love, Music, and Sex..(And Obama!)
Beau Averee
Faceoff: Obama VS. Mccain

VOTE FOR OBAMA OR SHE WILL BE YOUR PRESIDENT!( Ill Give Mccain 6 months in office IF he evens makes it):
BTW Obama you need to find a way to make getting frozen when you die a little cheaper because I dont have Disney money right now and you and I both know that greatness just can't be placed in a box and get buried!
"Hello Hearbreak"
Saturday, October 11, 2008
"If I Were A Boy"
Find more videos like this on Double Kisses!
Factory made Beyonce` is Back! I wish she just would come out and say "This isn't who I'am, I've been trained and now it's time to show you who I'am. I'm ready to make music that can be felt in the bones."
To be honest I really didn't like her new singles at all..But after I heard them a coupe of times, just like any other Beonce` song, It grew on me.
I LOVE the video! Can't wait to see "Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It)".
Let It Marinade..Thoughts?
Friday, October 10, 2008
You're Nothing But A...

Peace, Love, Music , And Sex
Beau Averee
"And Watch Me YOUUUUU!!!"
Finally! Ugghhh I just cannot stand this little girl!
Now Let's continue laughing and replay it.
Peace, Love, Music, And Sex
Beau Averee
Random Thought Of The Day: Escalators Were Designed for Lazy People.

So as Im rushing to work this afternoon I try to speed walk up the escalator when this huge woman cuts in front of me and just stands there!
Why do people do that!? I wanted to say " Oh Sure!, Trust Me Auntie Anne's Isn't Going Anywhere!" But I kept my cool.
I realized all this time I used these devices, I was just being lazy! I understand that some people are old or others are tired but for the rest you're just plain lazy!
Like you can't get a little bit of exercise and walk up stairs?..FATASS
Peace, Love, Music And Sex
Beau Averee
Fresh Out Of The Box!

I loved that movie so much I seen it twice, back to back!
It's just like a teenage NYC love story!, For me at least.
" Norah!!!!, My Gum!!!"
You HAVE to go see this film! It reminded me so much of my first love story minus the whole mix tape plot. Roof parties, drunk nights ending up at random parties, and just feeling free of all troubles, until you had to take the LIRR at 6am lol
P.S if you're grossed out by a drunk girl dropping her gum in a toilet bowl of vomit and sticking her hand in it , finding the gum and putting back in her mouth I would'nt recommend it.
3 out of 5 stars.
Magic Brought The Cure
Not too far from yesterday
But miles away from today
Couldn't fathom how you managed
My skin always glowed
Envied complexion actually
You took your dagger
Stabbed me and twisted it in my soul
Pulled it out quickly with chunks of flesh still on that glorious blade
I embraced it like a warrior
No flinching, crying, pleading, or rushing for aid
Yes I mended that wound
No the walls didn't cave in
How could you possibly and succesfully seduce one of my right hands?
I could've slowly sliced that hand off
But my system processed it beneath me
I had a notion:
Decieving Queens always had a tea party
Yes queens sip on my marinated blood!
One thing is for sure
Once you draw blood from a Eutopian and indulge in it
You're cursed for all eternity
Did you know Karma was my mother?
And boy is she an overprotective one!
You shall beg for her mercy down on your knees
She won't budge...trust me
How will that taste?
Well not twice as nice as Heaven like my blood was
I was healed and emerged like no other
Most try to find the cure but they only receive a temporary potion that will help them along the way until black crows come to their rescue
I was chosen
Just remember don't fuck with a mother's son because you will find out how it will taste
Love, Peace, and Sex
Beau Averee