Howling black vivid memories
Within the pounding walls of my heart lived a lion with glass eyes
Throughout this dark land lies some kind of pure hope
Searching far and wide for destiny's unknown kiss
Paranoid in yesterday's hazy mystery
Tomorrow could never be so close
Enchanted willows begin to sprout walking leaves
Whispering rain summons the pixies
A world trapped in a mirrored box with nothing but God's light to save it
I'm still brave
I still wear my wit on my sleeve
I still sip beer from a champagne flute
I still rise above your expectations
Peer through the choking glass and welcome a new era
Moments after Love's war, I stand here before you
Everything still looks the same, but one thing
I can't see you anymore
As hard as I try to squint to make you magically appear, I can't
A weary tear falls for our memories, but a sharp grin forms shortly after
You didn't make it
You weren't strong enough
You weren't charming enough
You weren't real enough
Love takes no prisoners and only sees combat
Only a handful of us can say that we have survived being a soldier of love
And Love can say only a few of us have been true to it
I walk these streets holding my head up high because only God and I know my relationship with love
I have sacrificed love for the good life with no regrets
I'm blind to Love's sneaky bleeding colors
You had your chance, but didn't own up to your hype
Luckily, I don't kiss and tell
"And Love can say only a few of us have been true to it."
Wow! Fan-fuckn-tastic, Beau! So much truth and beauty in your woven words. Rock on.
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WoW! amazing. .love your blog. .=)
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